Monday, April 7, 2008


So I sold flowers today...

It was a lot of fun...exept for the part where it was freezing cold. I got to go say hi to a bunch of my neighbors that I don't usually see. It was just me and my sister, walking, shivering, selling. It's pretty amazing what a smile will get you. :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I just...

Don't know what I want to say.

I kind of do know. But I think it's pathetic. So I'll just keep writing about what I want to write about without giving any direct hints at what exactly it is...


I don't know.

I'm not sure it's something I can say.

See, I almost think it's this one thing. But it's more about this other thing. Do you follow?

No? Neither do I.



It's both of them. At once. The two combined to put me in this mood that I'm in. I'm not sure if I should define my mood exactly. I want to say it...but it's so..pathetic.

Do I like who I am?

Sometimes...but other time I wish I could be..more. And not just in height...

Will I ever be enough?