Tuesday, December 30, 2008


And I've chosen to keep these words to myself, put them somewhere no one can find them to use as weapons. For what sharper words could be found than these?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I don't know if I've ever needed someone to comfort me before.


I don't think I could ever work up the courage to ask.

So I'll just continue reading her favorite Psalm.

Rest in peace, Grandmother.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's funny how you never forget a nightmare.

I see it coming at me. It’s eyes are dark and malevolent. It moves slowly, watching me, then pauses. It rushes forward.

The Innocent Ones are in my protection, but who am I to save? I feel I am incapable, and so I lose my control. My confidence shatters. The Innocents look at me with their peaceful, trusting eyes. I tense, feel fear, dread the moment when they will slip from my grasp.

I wake with my fingernails pressed into my palm, relax my hand, and see the red crescent-shaped marks.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Have a Problem

But I already know the answer.

It's putting what you know into action that is the hard part.

God, help me. Please.

I have the hardest time...with people I care about. I need to reassure them of how much they mean to me.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

An Overexaggeration

So I'm depressed.

About something wonderful.

I'm such a weird person.

It's a certain kind of darkness, a fog, more like. It floats around this bitter pain. It's like a hot needle, pricking repeatedly at this single spot, from which all my pain seems to stem. It brings uncertainties, questions, fears. When I wonder, for wonder I must, who and what I really am...something tells me that this pain is the essence of my being. It defines me, makes those cracks in my smiles that no one sees. How long until the ice shatters? Will I crack, as she did? It used to haunt me, that old fear, until I realized there were worse things. Worse things. What a horrible thing to realize!

Am I depressed?


In that way that brings shadows over every thought and a sharp, almost frantic fear to every moment in the dark?

The cold fingertips that brush, almost gently, and then grab with hidden strength the moment I slow down.

I'm not mad.

Not completely.

I overexaggerate. It comes with liking descriptive words...So don't worry, if you've taken the time to care. I'm alright.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This past week was amazing in so many ways. It's hard to describe how different I feel. I know I learned a lot, and I've finally set some goals for myself. I'll write those down.

Become more outgoing. [important]
Start taking the initiative. [very important]
Love. [the most important]

I'm definitely verbing it this summer. I just hope and pray to God that I can keep it up.

In all honesty, I know it will be a long time before I reach my goals..and I know I'll try and fail many times. I am, by nature, a quiet person and not given to taking the initiative in an any situation. So this will be hard for me to do....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I...I think I'm a dork...

I watched two anime movies today...and now I'm...depressed? Wow. How does that work? ...

I don't know either.

I straightened my hair..so now it's all long and shiny and pretty.... And I'm not even going anywhere. That's depressing too.

All of those paragraphs begin with the word "I." Is that self-centered? I don't know....

Life is so hectic. Everything is busy and crazy, all at once. There are so many things I have to do. I'm tired. And worried...Because of so many things...

Another thought: I'm nervous about it but still excited... Mixed emotions are so not enjoyable.

I'm going to go watch another anime movie now.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Procrastinators unite! ....tomorrow.

I registered for the SAT yesterday.... It was a late registration so there was a fee of $22. So I registered, and I'm a little nervous... I got an SAT study guide with 1045 pages...and I have a couple of weeks to study...

I'm a procrastinator.

Monday, April 7, 2008


So I sold flowers today...

It was a lot of fun...exept for the part where it was freezing cold. I got to go say hi to a bunch of my neighbors that I don't usually see. It was just me and my sister, walking, shivering, selling. It's pretty amazing what a smile will get you. :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I just...

Don't know what I want to say.

I kind of do know. But I think it's pathetic. So I'll just keep writing about what I want to write about without giving any direct hints at what exactly it is...


I don't know.

I'm not sure it's something I can say.

See, I almost think it's this one thing. But it's more about this other thing. Do you follow?

No? Neither do I.



It's both of them. At once. The two combined to put me in this mood that I'm in. I'm not sure if I should define my mood exactly. I want to say it...but it's so..pathetic.

Do I like who I am?

Sometimes...but other time I wish I could be..more. And not just in height...

Will I ever be enough?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Find Out.

Who do you think I am?

Get to know me. FIND OUT.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life sucks.

But it's also great.

I'm incredibly optimistic and confused. I tried writing out my thoughts. It didn't work. I sounded like a blubbering heap of girl.

I need to stop using trite expressions.

Ugh..And right now I have to go. Shopping...It should be fun..Hopefully.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Word Limit

I finished it!! I'm so excited. I finished my story. I'm not even sure that I'm satisfied with what I've written but I'm glad it's done. Now I can send it in and see if it wins anything...

I'm not sure I'm good at writing short stories..I need to practice more. But hopefully this one's at least a little bit good...hehe. :)

Still coughing.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Dream Within a Deam

"Is all that we see and seem but a dream within a dream?"

I have this phrase stuck in my head. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I feel lost. Forsaken and small, in this world that seems like it wants to run along without me. I'm outside of everything, and in the middle of things that I want to get out of.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

I'm not content. At least not right now. I want something other than what I have. This is normal, I suppose, seeing as everyone is always saying it, but I don't think it's a good thing. I guess it depends upon how you look at it. Always wanting the better thing, striving towards perfection. Some say that such a view will motivate one to achieve something close to their ideal, thus it is good. But cannot all of this inner turmoil also wreak havoc on a person, mentally and physically? Discontent could lead to sleepless nights and sleepness nights, obviously, leave a person tired and unable to perform their best in their day-to-day activities. I guess this depends upon the person. Everyone is different therefore one answer can't satisfy all.

I don't want to feel discontented. But it's part of life...I don't know what I want. That's also part of life, part of being young especially. If I knew what I wanted, maybe then I would be content. Of course, knowing what you want is immensely different from having what you want. But if I knew...then I could make a plan to attain that thing and thus be content that I was actually doing something to make my life better. Because I have this incredibly naive belief that nothing is unattainable if you want it enough. Unless, of course, you want something like a unicorn. Then you probably have problems.